j. 1F-桂花廳 Osmanthus clear filter
Friday, October 25

6:00pm CST

創造トリアノン攝影會/Trianon Creation Session
Friday October 25, 2024 6:00pm - 8:00pm CST


Trianon Creation will be hosting a photo session. There will be a red carpet runway and a chance for a family photo at the event. Everyone is welcome to come and meet them.

Friday October 25, 2024 6:00pm - 8:00pm CST
j. 1F-桂花廳 Osmanthus

8:30pm CST

搶不到獸無限飯店是水逆嗎?! 占星術知識大公開!/Astrology 101
Friday October 25, 2024 8:30pm - 9:30pm CST
夜觀星象、占卜未來的西洋占星術,從古至今都是熱門話題。但...12星座真的有這麼簡單嗎? 其實占星學的奧秘遠不止於此。這次Panel,虎魄將從故事深入了解星盤的組成,分析行星與星座的象徵,並教你如何解讀自己的星盤,預測未來運勢。


Western astrology of watching stars at night and predicting the future has been a hot topic since ancient times. But is understanding the 12 constellations really that simple? The mystery of astrology is much more than that. In this panel, Hu-po will discuss more about the composition of the astrolabe from folklores, analyze the symbols of planets and constellations, and teach you how to interpret your own astrolabe and predict the future.

Friday October 25, 2024 8:30pm - 9:30pm CST
j. 1F-桂花廳 Osmanthus
Saturday, October 26

12:00pm CST

系統通知:天偶召集令!/KemoTianou Meet and Greet
Saturday October 26, 2024 12:00pm - 2:00pm CST


KemoTianou members are called upon to participate in a family reunion to bond, exchange cards and gifts. Open for free participation and interaction with fursuiters and to discuss the commissioning and maintenance of furs.

Saturday October 26, 2024 12:00pm - 2:00pm CST
j. 1F-桂花廳 Osmanthus

2:30pm CST

今天也是珀珀爛爛的一天:通俗CoC跑團實戰 / An In-pearl-fect day isn't it: CoC TRPG for inexperienced
Saturday October 26, 2024 2:30pm - 4:30pm CST


Compared to DnD's "unstoppable force" approach, CoC (Call of Cthulhu) places more emphasis on subtle hiding and puzzle-solving. For those who don't enjoy traditional scenarios filled with constant horror and malice, scenarios that use CoC rules but feature lighter and less serious plots are often referred to as "Casual CoC."By participating in this panel, you will not only gain basic knowledge of how the game is played but also have the chance to play as an alien werewolf, playing a novice investigator undergoing training. Bring your own dice it you wish.

Saturday October 26, 2024 2:30pm - 4:30pm CST
j. 1F-桂花廳 Osmanthus

5:00pm CST

公益講座: 野生獸醫的救援故事-台灣野生動物的守護者/Charity: The Rescue Stories of Wildlife Veterinarians
Saturday October 26, 2024 5:00pm - 6:00pm CST


(The panel is Mandarin only.)
In this panel, we will delve into the rescue and conservation stories of Taiwan’s wildlife, uncovering how the WildOne Wildlife Conservation Association saves and protects these beautiful and fragile lives. We will share the most thrilling rescue cases, showcase our team’s efforts and determination, and discuss how to protect wildlife in daily life. Whether you are a wildlife enthusiast or new to conservation, you’ll find inspiration and knowledge here to become a hero in safeguarding Taiwan’s ecology!
Saturday October 26, 2024 5:00pm - 6:00pm CST
j. 1F-桂花廳 Osmanthus

6:15pm CST

【關於研究所我希望能早點知道的一些事】/Things I Wish I Had Known About Graduate School Earlier
Saturday October 26, 2024 6:15pm - 7:15pm CST
你想讀研究所嗎?進入學術殿堂前有哪些你必須知道的事情?聽說讀碩班會很辛苦也有很多鬼故事!!你沒看錯,研究所不是只有唸書而已,也可能被教授 PUA 做你不想做的事情,榨乾你的利用價值。各位學弟學妹們照過來,這場講座將會分享進入研究所前,要做好哪些心理建設以及挑選指導教授的方法,講座內容也有訪談各專業領域的獸學長們求學過程的酸甜苦辣,讓想攻讀研究所的後進學子們避免踩雷!



Are You Considering Graduate School?
What do you need to know before stepping into the world of academia?
We've all heard that graduate school can be tough, and there are plenty of horror stories to go along with it! You read that right—grad school isn’t just about studying. You might find yourself dealing with professors who push you into doing things you don’t want to do, exploiting you for your value.
Attention all underclassmen! In this seminar, we’ll discuss the mental preparations you need before entering grad school and how to choose the right advisor. We’ll also share the real experiences—both the highs and the lows—of students from various fields. Don’t miss this chance to learn from their journeys and avoid the pitfalls along the way!
(Note: Lunch is not provided.)

Saturday October 26, 2024 6:15pm - 7:15pm CST
j. 1F-桂花廳 Osmanthus

8:00pm CST

紀錄魔法與聖光的共舞:攝影與馬內的合作故事/The Story of Photography and Handler's Collaboration
Saturday October 26, 2024 8:00pm - 10:00pm CST
各位冒險者們呀~當遇到了 [喜歡的] [暗戀的] [崇拜的][想要OOO]的毛毛時,心理掙扎著想跟他一起拍照,或想幫他紀錄下美好回憶,但卻不知道如何讓毛毛知道我想幫你拍照該怎麼辦呢?


System Alert: Urgent Mission
Dear adventurers, when you meet the adored fursuiter, do you mentally struggle to take pictures with him, or want to help him record good memories, but you don't know how to let the fursuiter know that I want to help you take pictures of what to do?
Diliya the Photography wizard will lead you to simply find out how to help your favorite fursuiter leave beautiful memories. And Miyuki, the Assassin Fox, will show you how to bridge the fursuiter with the Photography Wizard and the adventurers around you in an unseen place.

Saturday October 26, 2024 8:00pm - 10:00pm CST
j. 1F-桂花廳 Osmanthus
Sunday, October 27

9:00am CST

威士忌入門讓你去酒吧更加高大上! /Whisky Start! Let you be impressed at the Bar
Sunday October 27, 2024 9:00am - 10:00am CST
想知道威士忌大家在瘋什麼嗎? 想體會威士忌的魅力嗎?想在酒吧時展現與眾不同的知識面嗎? 快來這場Panel,讓伏特加告訴你如何從零開始喝懂威士忌,教你讀懂酒標上的小秘密,實際品飲不同地區的風土特色,帶你環遊世界吧!  


Are you curious about why everyone’s crazy about whisky?
Want to experience the charm of it? Looking to stand out with your knowledge at the bar? Come here and let us show you how to understand whisky and decode the secrets on a Whisky label. We’ll show you the unique characteristics of different regions and take you on a global journey of whisky exploration!

Sunday October 27, 2024 9:00am - 10:00am CST
j. 1F-桂花廳 Osmanthus

10:45am CST

資訊組小火堆:你各位是如何爆肝的/IT Bonfire: Healthy Liver is a Myth
Sunday October 27, 2024 10:45am - 11:45am CST


From building databases to building cardboard boxes, from fresh livers to no livers, are your livers still healthy? Welcome to join us at the IT group bonfire to warm up and get your liver back (probably not).
Sunday October 27, 2024 10:45am - 11:45am CST
j. 1F-桂花廳 Osmanthus

12:00pm CST

「TRPG懶人GM生存指南」──如何用最少的心力準備最精采的內容/TRPG GM Survival Guide
Sunday October 27, 2024 12:00pm - 1:00pm CST


I want to play a TRPG, but... I don't have the time/energy/knowledge to prepare a group! Don't worry! This event will teach you how to prepare the most exciting content with the least amount of effort. How to find the common interests of the members? How to avoid wasting time? How to make the preparation of a group less tiring, and how to easily integrate the group's style? Years of experience in preparing are condensed and presented to you! 

Sunday October 27, 2024 12:00pm - 1:00pm CST
j. 1F-桂花廳 Osmanthus

1:30pm CST

玩獸人視覺小說也能讓你變英文大佬!/FURther your English: Level Up Your English Through Furry Visual Novels!
Sunday October 27, 2024 1:30pm - 3:00pm CST
想玩獸人視覺小說,卻看不懂裡面的英文在說什麼?或是找不到除了照本宣科以外更好的背單字方法?不用擔心!讓奶酪、特林跟艾倫德從《Lustful Desire》、《Tavern of Spear》和《Remember the flowers》等經典獸人視覺小說裡面,給你學英文的全新方法!


*This panel is designed for those learning English as a second language (ESL). *

Want to play furry visual novels but need help understanding the English content? Or are you tired of the monotonous memorization and looking for a more effective way to learn vocabulary? Don’t worry! Let Nailo, Tokurinn, and Alender introduce you to a new method of learning English through classic furry visual novels like “Lustful Desire,” “Tavern of Spear,” and “Remember the Flowers.” Discover a fresh, engaging way to enhance your English skills!

Sunday October 27, 2024 1:30pm - 3:00pm CST
j. 1F-桂花廳 Osmanthus

3:30pm CST

玩具收藏同好會/Collection Networking Event
Sunday October 27, 2024 3:30pm - 4:30pm CST


Welcome to our Collection Networking Event! This is a place where you can share your amazing models, cute dolls of your fursona, and everything else!
Whether they are model toys, dolls, action figures, puppets, cards, fursuit props, or other SFW toy collections, bring them along, and let’s chat and take photos together! If you’re collection lovers too, don’t miss out!

Sunday October 27, 2024 3:30pm - 4:30pm CST
j. 1F-桂花廳 Osmanthus
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