c. LF-百合廳 Lily clear filter
Friday, October 25

6:00pm CST

零食貼紙名片交流!/Snack, Sticker and Namecard Networking!
Friday October 25, 2024 6:00pm - 7:30pm CST


This is a casual meet and greet. Feel free to bring snacks from your hometown/home country, your stickers, name cards, or even small gifts to exchange and chat with fellow furries from all around the world!
Friday October 25, 2024 6:00pm - 7:30pm CST
c. LF-百合廳 Lily

7:30pm CST

DJ週五夜/Friday Night Dance
Friday October 25, 2024 7:30pm - 9:30pm CST
7:30 - DJ 蜥蜴 (https://twitter.com/theedmdragon/)
8:30 - DJ KarterLauder (https://twitter.com/KarterLauder/)
avatar for Infurnity


Infurnity is a furry convention in Taiwan since 2015.Infurnity 2024 will be held in 2024/10/25-27- https://www.infurnity.com獸無限是從2015開辦的台灣獸迷聚會,下屆將於2024/10/25-27... Read More →
Friday October 25, 2024 7:30pm - 9:30pm CST
c. LF-百合廳 Lily
Saturday, October 26

10:00am CST

開幕式轉播/Opening Ceremony Streaming
Saturday October 26, 2024 10:00am - 11:30am CST
Saturday October 26, 2024 10:00am - 11:30am CST
c. LF-百合廳 Lily

1:00pm CST

毛毛時裝走秀 / Furry Fashion Show
Saturday October 26, 2024 1:00pm - 2:00pm CST


The pattern and colors of a fursuit character is often the most prominent way to display the unique style and personality. What exciting sparks awaits us all, when your unique design is complemented by your best outfits?
We hereby invite you to stand and confidently display yourself proudly and loudly on our stage at this year’s Furry Fashion Show. We are also inviting fursuit outfits studios to show off their best works alongside all of our attendees! Do not miss this event if you wish to see the latest and greatest apparels!
To top it all off, the most important part of this show would be our Infurnity-themed fashion runway! Ready to be mindblown by the possibilities of how you can dress yourself up? Let us shock everyone with our creativity!
avatar for Infurnity


Infurnity is a furry convention in Taiwan since 2015.Infurnity 2024 will be held in 2024/10/25-27- https://www.infurnity.com獸無限是從2015開辦的台灣獸迷聚會,下屆將於2024/10/25-27... Read More →

Saturday October 26, 2024 1:00pm - 2:00pm CST
c. LF-百合廳 Lily

2:30pm CST

電影&動畫配樂講•做•會 2.0 - 音樂的12種情緒/Movie & Animation Soundtrack Panel 2.0 - The 12 Moods of Music
Saturday October 26, 2024 2:30pm - 4:00pm CST
厭倦了平淡的配樂嗎? 想讓你的音樂充滿故事性?
無論你是作曲新手還是零基礎 ,都可以體驗全新升級的模塊式作曲法,讓大家都能快速掌握配樂核心技巧,創作出屬於自己的電影級配樂!


Tired of bland soundtracks? Want your music to be full of stories?
This time, I'm going to explore the 12 moods of music and create the most touching images! We'll also be working with the MISOL Chamber Orchestra to give you a taste of the real-life soundtrack production process!
Whether you're new to composing or have no basic knowledge, you can experience the newly upgraded Modular Composition Method, which allows everyone to quickly master the core skills of soundtracks and create their own movie-quality soundtracks!
avatar for 天狼納維斯 Navisk Skywoofer

天狼納維斯 Navisk Skywoofer

Founder, 天狼學院 SkyWolf Academy,迷獸室内樂團 MISOL Chamber Orchestra,天狼音樂出版社 SkyWolf Music Publish House,天狼影業 SkyWolf Film Studios
大家好汪~ 我是天狼納維斯,也可以叫我Bluphy。我是一位跨足古典與民族音樂的音樂叫獸,不管是鋼琴、小提琴還是古箏、葫蘆絲,我都可以輕鬆地演奏 uwu我曾有幸和兩位電影配樂大師Hans Zimmer和Danny Elfman學習配樂,也曾經教導過Marcus... Read More →

Saturday October 26, 2024 2:30pm - 4:00pm CST
c. LF-百合廳 Lily

5:00pm CST

毛毛帶動跳X舞蹈接龍/Fursuit Dance Follow-Along
Saturday October 26, 2024 5:00pm - 6:00pm CST


It's furry dance time again! This year, we're bringing more activities, from a dance tutorial to rhythmic improvisation games. Whether you have a fursuiter or not, as long as you're interested in music and dance, you don't have to worry about having a background in dance. So, follow us and move and groove!

Saturday October 26, 2024 5:00pm - 6:00pm CST
c. LF-百合廳 Lily

6:15pm CST

Easy K-POP Random Dance/Easy K-POP Random Dance
Saturday October 26, 2024 6:15pm - 7:15pm CST
你是否熱愛KPOP? 是否在路上一聽到熟悉的旋律就不自覺地舞動?  無論你是舞蹈高手還是新手,這裡都有無限的樂趣等著你。隨機挑選KPOP熱門歌曲,一起在節奏中釋放能量,感受舞台的魅力。沒跳過也不用擔心,現場氣氛絕對讓你自然而然的融入其中,跟著大家一起動起來!


Do you love KPOP? Do you dance to familiar tunes on the road?  Whether you're an expert dancer or a novice, there's plenty of fun to be had here. Randomly select KPOP hits, release your energy to the rhythm, and feel the charm of the stage. Don't worry if you've never danced before, the atmosphere will make you naturally get into it and move with the crowd!

Saturday October 26, 2024 6:15pm - 7:15pm CST
c. LF-百合廳 Lily

8:00pm CST

胖獸交流會/Chubby furry meet up
Saturday October 26, 2024 8:00pm - 10:00pm CST
「動物就是要 月半— 月半— 的才可愛!」


"Animals are only cute when they're chubby!"

Somewhere in the dungeon, the leaders chant together, bringing about a space for all who love chubby furries to freely engage. Here, you can not only meet fellow chubby furs but also participate in exciting activities like board games ,artist exchanges and Chubby fursuit group photo.

This is a celebration for chubby furs/fursuiters . Come and join the fun!

Saturday October 26, 2024 8:00pm - 10:00pm CST
c. LF-百合廳 Lily
Sunday, October 27

9:00am CST

音樂角落/Music Corner
Sunday October 27, 2024 9:00am - 11:00am CST


シルエット - KANA-BOOM
Don't Look Back In Anger - Oasis
離開的一路上 - 理想渾蛋



Music lovers, assemble!!!

We will hold a music panel, providing electric guitar, acoustic guitar, bass, cajon and keyboard, providing a place for your music talents!
We will play three designated songs in the panel; you may practice it in advance in order to ensemble in the panel:

 1 シルエット - KANA-BOOM (Japanese)
 2 Don't look back in anger - Oasis
 3 離開的一路上 - 理想混蛋 (Chinese)

Of course, any other songs are welcome!

No matter you're into instruments, singing, or just wanna be an audience, we will give you a warm welcome!
Let's enjoy music, learn from each other, and create splendid rhythm together!

Sunday October 27, 2024 9:00am - 11:00am CST
c. LF-百合廳 Lily

11:30am CST

特別來賓座談: 奇幻美術創作與角色設計經驗談/GOH Panel: Experience in Fantasy Artwork and Character Design
Sunday October 27, 2024 11:30am - 12:30pm CST


This time, we have invited Mr. Ryuudai Murayama, a well-known professional artist in Japan, who has more than 15 years of experience in the industry and has created numerous unique fantasy creatures. Through this interview, we will open the door of imagination and explore the charm of character design!
Sunday October 27, 2024 11:30am - 12:30pm CST
c. LF-百合廳 Lily

1:00pm CST

毛毛主題團拍/Fursuit Theme Group Shots
Sunday October 27, 2024 1:00pm - 3:00pm CST


Want to get to know other furs with similar characteristics? Join this smaller sub group meetups, such as those of the same species, same maker/studio, or same theme outfit to meet up, hangout, and take photos together!
avatar for Infurnity


Infurnity is a furry convention in Taiwan since 2015.Infurnity 2024 will be held in 2024/10/25-27- https://www.infurnity.com獸無限是從2015開辦的台灣獸迷聚會,下屆將於2024/10/25-27... Read More →

Sunday October 27, 2024 1:00pm - 3:00pm CST
c. LF-百合廳 Lily

5:00pm CST

閉幕式轉播/Closing Ceremony Streaming
Sunday October 27, 2024 5:00pm - 6:30pm CST
Sunday October 27, 2024 5:00pm - 6:30pm CST
c. LF-百合廳 Lily
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