j. 1F-桂花廳 Osmanthus clear filter
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Sunday, October 27

9:00am CST

威士忌入門讓你去酒吧更加高大上! /Whisky Start! Let you be impressed at the Bar
Sunday October 27, 2024 9:00am - 10:00am CST
想知道威士忌大家在瘋什麼嗎? 想體會威士忌的魅力嗎?想在酒吧時展現與眾不同的知識面嗎? 快來這場Panel,讓伏特加告訴你如何從零開始喝懂威士忌,教你讀懂酒標上的小秘密,實際品飲不同地區的風土特色,帶你環遊世界吧!  


Are you curious about why everyone’s crazy about whisky?
Want to experience the charm of it? Looking to stand out with your knowledge at the bar? Come here and let us show you how to understand whisky and decode the secrets on a Whisky label. We’ll show you the unique characteristics of different regions and take you on a global journey of whisky exploration!

Sunday October 27, 2024 9:00am - 10:00am CST
j. 1F-桂花廳 Osmanthus

10:45am CST

資訊組小火堆:你各位是如何爆肝的/IT Bonfire: Healthy Liver is a Myth
Sunday October 27, 2024 10:45am - 11:45am CST


From building databases to building cardboard boxes, from fresh livers to no livers, are your livers still healthy? Welcome to join us at the IT group bonfire to warm up and get your liver back (probably not).
Sunday October 27, 2024 10:45am - 11:45am CST
j. 1F-桂花廳 Osmanthus

12:00pm CST

「TRPG懶人GM生存指南」──如何用最少的心力準備最精采的內容/TRPG GM Survival Guide
Sunday October 27, 2024 12:00pm - 1:00pm CST


I want to play a TRPG, but... I don't have the time/energy/knowledge to prepare a group! Don't worry! This event will teach you how to prepare the most exciting content with the least amount of effort. How to find the common interests of the members? How to avoid wasting time? How to make the preparation of a group less tiring, and how to easily integrate the group's style? Years of experience in preparing are condensed and presented to you! 

Sunday October 27, 2024 12:00pm - 1:00pm CST
j. 1F-桂花廳 Osmanthus

1:30pm CST

玩獸人視覺小說也能讓你變英文大佬!/FURther your English: Level Up Your English Through Furry Visual Novels!
Sunday October 27, 2024 1:30pm - 3:00pm CST
想玩獸人視覺小說,卻看不懂裡面的英文在說什麼?或是找不到除了照本宣科以外更好的背單字方法?不用擔心!讓奶酪、特林跟艾倫德從《Lustful Desire》、《Tavern of Spear》和《Remember the flowers》等經典獸人視覺小說裡面,給你學英文的全新方法!


*This panel is designed for those learning English as a second language (ESL). *

Want to play furry visual novels but need help understanding the English content? Or are you tired of the monotonous memorization and looking for a more effective way to learn vocabulary? Don’t worry! Let Nailo, Tokurinn, and Alender introduce you to a new method of learning English through classic furry visual novels like “Lustful Desire,” “Tavern of Spear,” and “Remember the Flowers.” Discover a fresh, engaging way to enhance your English skills!

Sunday October 27, 2024 1:30pm - 3:00pm CST
j. 1F-桂花廳 Osmanthus

3:30pm CST

玩具收藏同好會/Collection Networking Event
Sunday October 27, 2024 3:30pm - 4:30pm CST


Welcome to our Collection Networking Event! This is a place where you can share your amazing models, cute dolls of your fursona, and everything else!
Whether they are model toys, dolls, action figures, puppets, cards, fursuit props, or other SFW toy collections, bring them along, and let’s chat and take photos together! If you’re collection lovers too, don’t miss out!

Sunday October 27, 2024 3:30pm - 4:30pm CST
j. 1F-桂花廳 Osmanthus
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