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Saturday, October 26

12:00pm CST

系統通知:天偶召集令!/KemoTianou Meet and Greet
Saturday October 26, 2024 12:00pm - 2:00pm CST


KemoTianou members are called upon to participate in a family reunion to bond, exchange cards and gifts. Open for free participation and interaction with fursuiters and to discuss the commissioning and maintenance of furs.

Saturday October 26, 2024 12:00pm - 2:00pm CST
j. 1F-桂花廳 Osmanthus

12:30pm CST

草植獸的植栽生活-植栽園藝淺談/Planting and Gardening
Saturday October 26, 2024 12:30pm - 2:00pm CST


Do you feel that your life lacks of greenery, want to grow some plants but don't know what to grow? Or are you worried that you don't have a green thumb?
Ripple Moon, who likes to grow flowers and plants, will share with you his gardening experience and tips, as well as introduce plants that are good to start with.

Saturday October 26, 2024 12:30pm - 2:00pm CST
k. 1F-玉蘭廳 Yulan

1:00pm CST

犬工房 + きぐるみ花月 + ケモノ野球部 團拍!/Kigurumi Kagetsu & Inukoubou (Doggy Studio) & Kemono Baseball Team Meet-up Photoshoot!
Saturday October 26, 2024 1:00pm - 2:00pm CST
犬工房 與 きぐるみ花月 的家族合照,跟 ケモノ野球部 的大合照,一起辦最高だと思います!

歡迎穿着 ケモノ野球部 系列服裝(包含棒球服、角力服、足球服、CyberProject 系列)前來合照,我們準備了紀念品給穿相關服飾的參加者!



Kigurumi Kagetsu & Inukoubou (Doggy Studio) Family Photoshoot, and Kemono Baseball Team Meet-up ─ two gather, together!

We invite you to wear Kemono Baseball Team series clothing (including
baseball uniforms, wrestling uniforms, football uniforms, and CyberProject series) to photoshoot! We have souvenirs prepared for participants wearing these outfits!

The Furry models you usually see in promotional photos will also be attending this time, wearing outfits from various series!

Saturday October 26, 2024 1:00pm - 2:00pm CST
h. 1F-海棠&薔薇廳 CavalVine & ClimbingRose

2:30pm CST

如何畫出你心中喜歡的圖像-小灰灰公司/How to Depict the Picture in Your Heart
Saturday October 26, 2024 2:30pm - 3:30pm CST


I'll be here to provide people who don't know how to draw, who are learning to draw, and who already know how to draw different drawing ideas. I will share my own problems encountered in the process of learning to draw and how to solve them, and at the same time, I hope to have time to interact with the guests to help answer drawing-related questions! 

Saturday October 26, 2024 2:30pm - 3:30pm CST
h. 1F-海棠&薔薇廳 CavalVine & ClimbingRose

2:30pm CST

電影&動畫配樂講•做•會 2.0 - 音樂的12種情緒/Movie & Animation Soundtrack Panel 2.0 - The 12 Moods of Music
Saturday October 26, 2024 2:30pm - 4:00pm CST
厭倦了平淡的配樂嗎? 想讓你的音樂充滿故事性?
無論你是作曲新手還是零基礎 ,都可以體驗全新升級的模塊式作曲法,讓大家都能快速掌握配樂核心技巧,創作出屬於自己的電影級配樂!


Tired of bland soundtracks? Want your music to be full of stories?
This time, I'm going to explore the 12 moods of music and create the most touching images! We'll also be working with the MISOL Chamber Orchestra to give you a taste of the real-life soundtrack production process!
Whether you're new to composing or have no basic knowledge, you can experience the newly upgraded Modular Composition Method, which allows everyone to quickly master the core skills of soundtracks and create their own movie-quality soundtracks!
avatar for 天狼納維斯 Navisk Skywoofer

天狼納維斯 Navisk Skywoofer

Founder, 天狼學院 SkyWolf Academy,迷獸室内樂團 MISOL Chamber Orchestra,天狼音樂出版社 SkyWolf Music Publish House,天狼影業 SkyWolf Film Studios
大家好汪~ 我是天狼納維斯,也可以叫我Bluphy。我是一位跨足古典與民族音樂的音樂叫獸,不管是鋼琴、小提琴還是古箏、葫蘆絲,我都可以輕鬆地演奏 uwu我曾有幸和兩位電影配樂大師Hans Zimmer和Danny Elfman學習配樂,也曾經教導過Marcus... Read More →

Saturday October 26, 2024 2:30pm - 4:00pm CST
c. LF-百合廳 Lily

2:30pm CST

VOCALOID文化與獸文化的異同:興趣與自我投射/VOCALOID and Furry: When Subculture Come Across
Saturday October 26, 2024 2:30pm - 4:30pm CST


“The two cultures seem to have no connection at all, but are there any similarities between them?”
In this panel, we will start with “Introducing Vocaloid Culture”, and in the course of the seminar, we will explore the similarities between Vocaloid culture and furry culture together with all the participants, and hope to promote the exchange between the two cultures through this panel.

Saturday October 26, 2024 2:30pm - 4:30pm CST
k. 1F-玉蘭廳 Yulan

2:30pm CST

今天也是珀珀爛爛的一天:通俗CoC跑團實戰 / An In-pearl-fect day isn't it: CoC TRPG for inexperienced
Saturday October 26, 2024 2:30pm - 4:30pm CST


Compared to DnD's "unstoppable force" approach, CoC (Call of Cthulhu) places more emphasis on subtle hiding and puzzle-solving. For those who don't enjoy traditional scenarios filled with constant horror and malice, scenarios that use CoC rules but feature lighter and less serious plots are often referred to as "Casual CoC."By participating in this panel, you will not only gain basic knowledge of how the game is played but also have the chance to play as an alien werewolf, playing a novice investigator undergoing training. Bring your own dice it you wish.

Saturday October 26, 2024 2:30pm - 4:30pm CST
j. 1F-桂花廳 Osmanthus

4:00pm CST

獸獸遊戲模擬器交流/Furry Game Simulator Exchange
Saturday October 26, 2024 4:00pm - 6:00pm CST




We all have memories of playing simulators when we were young, and we've played a lot of arcade machines.
You can share with me the memories and joys of those days.
From our exposure to music games, horizontal scrolling, racing games, fighting games, etc., all will be exhibited in this exchange, and we welcome friends who have the same interests to provide as an exchange.

Saturday October 26, 2024 4:00pm - 6:00pm CST
h. 1F-海棠&薔薇廳 CavalVine & ClimbingRose

5:00pm CST

什麼?「嗷嗷」在撒奇萊雅語裡是個單字?!/Taiwan Indigenous Culture Session
Saturday October 26, 2024 5:00pm - 6:00pm CST


ShibaTR is going to take you on a journey that begins with learning an Indigenous language in Taiwan called Sakizaya. Later, he'll continue with the thoughts about his self-identity of being Indigenous after leaving his Indigenous community in Eastern Taiwan and settling in Northern Taiwan. At the end of the panel, let's dance and experience the fun together!

Saturday October 26, 2024 5:00pm - 6:00pm CST
k. 1F-玉蘭廳 Yulan

6:15pm CST

【關於研究所我希望能早點知道的一些事】/Things I Wish I Had Known About Graduate School Earlier
Saturday October 26, 2024 6:15pm - 7:15pm CST
你想讀研究所嗎?進入學術殿堂前有哪些你必須知道的事情?聽說讀碩班會很辛苦也有很多鬼故事!!你沒看錯,研究所不是只有唸書而已,也可能被教授 PUA 做你不想做的事情,榨乾你的利用價值。各位學弟學妹們照過來,這場講座將會分享進入研究所前,要做好哪些心理建設以及挑選指導教授的方法,講座內容也有訪談各專業領域的獸學長們求學過程的酸甜苦辣,讓想攻讀研究所的後進學子們避免踩雷!



Are You Considering Graduate School?
What do you need to know before stepping into the world of academia?
We've all heard that graduate school can be tough, and there are plenty of horror stories to go along with it! You read that right—grad school isn’t just about studying. You might find yourself dealing with professors who push you into doing things you don’t want to do, exploiting you for your value.
Attention all underclassmen! In this seminar, we’ll discuss the mental preparations you need before entering grad school and how to choose the right advisor. We’ll also share the real experiences—both the highs and the lows—of students from various fields. Don’t miss this chance to learn from their journeys and avoid the pitfalls along the way!
(Note: Lunch is not provided.)

Saturday October 26, 2024 6:15pm - 7:15pm CST
j. 1F-桂花廳 Osmanthus

6:15pm CST

Easy K-POP Random Dance/Easy K-POP Random Dance
Saturday October 26, 2024 6:15pm - 7:15pm CST
你是否熱愛KPOP? 是否在路上一聽到熟悉的旋律就不自覺地舞動?  無論你是舞蹈高手還是新手,這裡都有無限的樂趣等著你。隨機挑選KPOP熱門歌曲,一起在節奏中釋放能量,感受舞台的魅力。沒跳過也不用擔心,現場氣氛絕對讓你自然而然的融入其中,跟著大家一起動起來!


Do you love KPOP? Do you dance to familiar tunes on the road?  Whether you're an expert dancer or a novice, there's plenty of fun to be had here. Randomly select KPOP hits, release your energy to the rhythm, and feel the charm of the stage. Don't worry if you've never danced before, the atmosphere will make you naturally get into it and move with the crowd!

Saturday October 26, 2024 6:15pm - 7:15pm CST
c. LF-百合廳 Lily

6:15pm CST

輕鬆遊玩的飛鏢入門體驗/Darts 101: Easy Session
Saturday October 26, 2024 6:15pm - 7:45pm CST


Do you want to win a trophy or give it to your favorite person at a night market shooting game, or show off your darts machine at a bar, but you don't know the rules? Don't worry, let me, donthebear, teach you! We'll show you the types of darts, the rules and throws, and the secrets to getting started. If you're interested in darts, put it on your calendar now.

Saturday October 26, 2024 6:15pm - 7:45pm CST
k. 1F-玉蘭廳 Yulan

6:30pm CST

神與廟的副本任務-進香/Mission: Temple Culture in Taiwan
Saturday October 26, 2024 6:30pm - 8:00pm CST


The most widely known task of temples is to offer incense and this time we will share the contents related to the incense offering, including the difference of the so-called “incense” in the name, the cause, content, meaning, equipment, and team composition of incense offering activities. We will mainly share photos of the customs of the Southern Kaohsiung area that we have come into contact with in our own lives, and we welcome you to join us in honoring the peace and happiness of all.

Saturday October 26, 2024 6:30pm - 8:00pm CST
h. 1F-海棠&薔薇廳 CavalVine & ClimbingRose

8:00pm CST

紀錄魔法與聖光的共舞:攝影與馬內的合作故事/The Story of Photography and Handler's Collaboration
Saturday October 26, 2024 8:00pm - 10:00pm CST
各位冒險者們呀~當遇到了 [喜歡的] [暗戀的] [崇拜的][想要OOO]的毛毛時,心理掙扎著想跟他一起拍照,或想幫他紀錄下美好回憶,但卻不知道如何讓毛毛知道我想幫你拍照該怎麼辦呢?


System Alert: Urgent Mission
Dear adventurers, when you meet the adored fursuiter, do you mentally struggle to take pictures with him, or want to help him record good memories, but you don't know how to let the fursuiter know that I want to help you take pictures of what to do?
Diliya the Photography wizard will lead you to simply find out how to help your favorite fursuiter leave beautiful memories. And Miyuki, the Assassin Fox, will show you how to bridge the fursuiter with the Photography Wizard and the adventurers around you in an unseen place.

Saturday October 26, 2024 8:00pm - 10:00pm CST
j. 1F-桂花廳 Osmanthus

8:00pm CST

胖獸交流會/Chubby furry meet up
Saturday October 26, 2024 8:00pm - 10:00pm CST
「動物就是要 月半— 月半— 的才可愛!」


"Animals are only cute when they're chubby!"

Somewhere in the dungeon, the leaders chant together, bringing about a space for all who love chubby furries to freely engage. Here, you can not only meet fellow chubby furs but also participate in exciting activities like board games ,artist exchanges and Chubby fursuit group photo.

This is a celebration for chubby furs/fursuiters . Come and join the fun!

Saturday October 26, 2024 8:00pm - 10:00pm CST
c. LF-百合廳 Lily

8:00pm CST

勞作兄弟/Creative Paper Sculpture
Saturday October 26, 2024 8:00pm - 10:00pm CST


Do you want to turn your fursona into a cute paper animal? Simple paper templates, art paper, colored pens, and other essential materials for elementary school kits are provided so that you can make your own paper sculptures by folding and cutting and pasting!

Saturday October 26, 2024 8:00pm - 10:00pm CST
k. 1F-玉蘭廳 Yulan
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